Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Well today we hit another milestone. Addy came across her first spider! And it scared the heck out of her. We were eating dinner and she was in her high chair while I was at the table. We were quietly eating when all of a sudden she starts yelling, "ew! ew!" I don't respond very quickly because she has been saying ew if she gets food on her finger. Well she kept going at it so finally I look and when I turned, I saw a HUGE spider scurrying across her tray. It scared me to death which did not help the situation because I jumped then immedietly Addy jumped and started crying saying "ew!" Well, I killed it and said Addy, that was a spider! Right away she just broke down into tears and was trying to get out of her high chair. I got her out and sat her at the table to let her finish eating. But oh no, she wanted to be a little more of a drama queen and kept making a face where she would stick out her lower lip and jaw and say "pider!!!" and point to her high chair followed by a whinning noise. This went on for about 15 minutes. She could not finish eating and kept walking me over to her high chair saying "pider!! ew!"

Finally I tried to explain to her that the spider went bye bye. Well that triggered something new and she kept going to her chair and waving while saying "bye bye". It was hilarious to see this whole ordeal. She was really traumatized by it and I am sure will have nightmares tonight! Below is a picture of her faces she was making while talking about the spider and then a video of how upset she was.

and the video:

This little girl continues to enterain me on a daily basis. She is also turning out to be quite the drama queen and loves attention! Her love of books continues to grow as we spend almost an hour (or more) everyday reading the same book over and over again. THat is all she wants to do - she doesn't care about TV but it makes her whole day when I sit down to read with her. I love it!!!