Sunday, September 11, 2011

10 years.... 9/11

Well today is the 10 year anniversary of the day the earth stood still. 10 years ago the United States fell under attack as airplanes crashed into the World Trade Center in New York causing the two towers to fall and another plane crash in a Pennsylvania field that was intended for the Pentagon. I still remember this day vividly. I was getting ready for school when my dad called us into his room to watch the news unfold. We came in just in time to see the 2nd plane hit the tower. I remember going to school that day and my first class was chemistry and I remember watching the footage in class. This is a day that will forever be remembered by all and no one will forget where they were when they heard the news.

I had downloaded this song when I was in high school and had completely forgotten about it until I was going through some old CDs. I looked it up on YouTube and found an emotional video to go along with it. Here it is:

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Here we go again!

I know it has once again been the longest time since I have posted a blog. I keep promising to be better at it and it lasts a few days and then I forget. So from here on out I am no longer promising to post once a week. I am going to try for once  a month and if it happens great! If not, then oh well. :)

This summer has been SO fun though. It has come and gone so quickly but I had a blast with Addy once again and having the opportunity to be a stay at home mom. Addy and I practically lived at the swimming pool. She is quite a little fish and just loves to swim and even know still goes to get her floaties and blows them up and pretends to swim in our apartment. It is adorable.

I have also started a new job at American Preparatory Academy. I was extremely hesitant to take this teaching job but now that I am there and teaching, I LOVE it. It is incredible the results they have with kids and the performance they get out of kindergarteners!!! Because it is a charter school, they are able to get away with teaching things that public schools can't really get away with. For example on Friday I was teaching the history lesson, the history of India and we were discussing Hinduism. Just a brief overview because they are only 2nd graders. But we put together a T-Chart comparing Hinduism to Christianity and words like Jesus, God, Mormons and baptism were talked about and there was no fear that we were going to offend anyone. And no, I didn't preach my religion but it was just an open discussion about how anyone that believed in Jesus were considered Christians... even Mormons :).

I need to cut this short but here is a picture I took of Addy a few weeks ago. The Slacks gave her this princess outfit for her birthday and she refused to wear it till now. She was wearing it and kept saying she was Princess Addy. it was adorable.